There is little hope of her defying this war making administration
but that hasn't stopped us before, and it won't stop us now.
We can still call on our Congresswoman to join with other legislators
who are demanding that this Commander in Chief
value the sacrifices of our soldiers enough
to tell us the truth!
This is what some others are doing:
A group of seven House Democrats wrote
President Bush early in December,
accusing the Pentagon of underreporting casualties
in Iraq.
It's a shocking charge. The letter writers argue
that Pentagon casualty reports show only a sliver of the injuries, mostly physical ones from bombs or bullets
But war doesn't work like that, these lawmakers
declare, adding that the reports skip a horrible panoply of accidents, illness, disease and mental trauma.
Meanwhile our Congresswoman professes to support our troops!!!!!
Read the full report here: CONTACT US AND WE WILL BE HAPPY TO ADD A